Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sands of Time (Trip to Guimaras Part 2)

It has been a long time since I visited the island. Few years back, I never thought I would be this adventurous. What comes first into your mind when your hear the place "Guimaras"? Sweet Mangoes? Sandy beaches? Yes, you're definitely right. Beach resorts and ecotourism parks are mostly visited places in this island. You maybe asking me, "How can I get there?". Well, I already started the trip to the island via Pulupandan. Others alternatives going to the island are Iloilo-Buenavista, Iloilo-Jordan with only less than Php 20 fare.

From the Cabano wharf, I have to find the cheapest way to get to my destination, Alubijod, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras where my friends are waiting for me. Going for a motorcycle ride from Cabano to Alubijod would normally cost you Php 200-300 depending on your transactions. There is no direct vehicle going there. You could either take a ride going to Jordan through a jeepney or van and then take a ride again from Jordan to Alubijod crossing and take a motorcycle ride going to the resort. Three (3) rides all in all and I have reached Ramen's Beach Resort in Alubijod for only Php 90. "that's cheap, huh?"

I finally reached the resort and found my friends in the seashore enjoying the beach view. It was noon when I arrived and my stomach began looking for food to eat. The main   itinerary for the day is Island Hopping. But of course, we still have to wait for a friend who is on his way to the resort. We spent the time chatting along the beach and  took photos, and more photos... "Ready, one... two... three... SMILE!".

We went back to the cottage and took a rest. Finally we're complete. We are now ready for another adventure. We took a "bangka" and started our way going to the islets across the island. Sanctuaries, caves, and private resorts can be found there. Who would have thought there were hidden resorts there?

 We also went on a small cave which can fit a "bangka" inside. Native bats can be found inside.

Snorkling was another way to enjoy the day. We went over different fish and live coral sancturaries.

And finally, our last stop was a private resort. We had a chance to tour around the resort and it was captivating place. I hope I could build one in the near future. It's possible, right?

I really enjoyed our trip. I know there is going to be next time. We head back to Jordan port and rode a boat going to Iloilo where we'll be taking a ferry going back in Bacolod. We also had a chance to drop by Perri Todd's in Jaro for an afternoon snack.

GO with the FLOW (Trip to Guimaras Part 1)

Another journey I will never forget. Another day of discovering places around and rediscovering what's inside of me. I went to the island Guimaras via Pulupandan last week. It took me 30-40 minutes to travel from Bacolod City going to Pulupandan wharf. For only Php 75, you can already take a ride on a pump boat with a larger passenger capacity from Pulupandan to Guimaras.  There are only two trips available from there to the island, 8:00 AM and 12 noon respectively. It was past 7 AM when I  arrived there. I was waiting for a friend hoping we could be on the same trip together. But 7:30 AM, the passengers are all waiting and all the tickets were sold out. "Wala pa gani 8 malakat na?", well, I guess it was Saturday and a lot of people are going home for their weekend vacation. Some were natives of the island who travel everyday for business and personal transactions. My friend missed the trip and I was on the boat texting that he could get the 12 noon trip. The boat took off the station past 7:30 AM not the usual 8 o'clock trip.

With the fresh sea breeze, you'll feel the start of your journey going to the island and as the engine starts, you'll be smiling when you see the travelers around you getting ready for the trip. Oh, I forgot one thing, I should wear a lifejacket for safety. I was one of the last passengers who went up to the boat and everyone is wearing their lifejackets as they went up to the boat. I could not find one in the station earlier and I started looking if there is an available one. Jackpot, I got one! But I could not even use it. Guess why? the lifejacket is not functioning. I grabbed it proudly and went up to the boat. As I find a good place to sit on, I saw their lifejackets all over the place, not almost all of the passengers are wearing them. I also dropped mine since I could not use it anymore and a lady told me "Pwede mo na da bilin lifejacket mo, nacheck naman na sang Coast Guard". I sat in the middle part of the boat near the edge where passengers used to passed along going to their seats.

Everything started well as we depart from the Pulupandan wharf. Enjoying the island views and the blue ocean would take your breath away. Normally it would take 45 minutes to an hour to travel going to the island depending on the weather and sea condition. 15 minutes passed by and we were almost in the half part of the sea and I said "Hay, salamat, lapit nalang!". But the boat started to slow down trying to defend the roughness of the sea. 

Oh, wow! Sea water is splashing over my face and tasting the salty water in my mouth reminded me that I'm not there yet. I wanted to tell myself that everything will be fine but your senses would really hit you and tell you something's going to happen! I kept calm by holding back on my seat with my face looking fine as if everything is okay. I felt comfort when I heard a lady said "Okay na ni gani kaysa sang last". On my mind I replied "Really?". I guess it was just normal for her to comment on what's happening maybe to make everybody feel calm. It was a nerve racking experience. Others slept while some were awake trying to overcome sea sickness and some didn't feel well. I guess I don't have to elaborate when I say "...some didn't feel well" , wouldn't you think?

On the way to the island will give you a view of Inampulangan, Nalunga, and Nadulao Islands. Overseeing the islets decrements your stress and fears. It took us more than a hour to reach the wharf located in Cabano, San Lorenzo, Guimaras.  Unlike any common wharfs, you have to hold on to a bamboo pole held at both ends by the boat crew and step your way out through a narrow path going to the sea shore.

Different transportation means going to other parts of the island are waiting at the Cabano station. Jeepney is one common options you can choose from. Fares vary depending on your personal transactions.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's New?

Picture out your DREAM HOUSE? You're too excited to list down the details, right? or imagine yourself driving your DREAM CAR together with your DREAM WIFE/HUSBAND, you definitely don't want to miss a single second even if its just a dream. There is an element of EXCITEMENT and SURPRISE on a simple thing we do! Now, what do we expect on this blog? Anything? Yes!

Let's start this by welcoming you to my blog. The things that I'm going to share with you are just simple things my five senses have gathered. I share things not to offend anybody else but to learn something from it. Suggestions for this blog are open for negotiation. All the topics I will be posting are subjected for a review. If you find it offensive, please let me know! Email me Thank you very much!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

In Transition

January's ventures are almost done this year. It was a casual month for everybody else. We celebrated new year with a big blast hoping we will have a better year ahead of us. Decisions are very important to make things right. Contemplating on every risk our decision has to make with enough time would truly lead us to the our goals. Just had celebrated Chinese New Year and we all wanted to know our fortunes. We wanted to be lucky in everything so we stick to the traditions Chinese has inculcated in our culture. We sometimes seem hopeless so we let the stars control our life, our luck, and our decisions. I see nothing wrong with it. In the end if it will not work, then maybe LIFE has better to offer.

Oh! It's February. And what's coming up for us? Valentines? L.O.V.E. Let's talk about it when we get there next month. Let's see what is waiting ahead. For the upcoming month, I am hoping for more dynamic topics and more adventures to come. I'll feature my first travel blog next month. Do you know where my destination is? Find out soon! Exciting posts? Let's see what we have!